“Even when the dark comes crashing through

When you need a friend to carry you

And when you're broken on the ground

You will be found”

Dear Evan Hansen

Hi, I'm Holly.


Have you suffered a loss and feel like nobody understands?

Are you looking for a safe place to land?

Do people say things that don’t feel as supportive as you need?

Do you feel like you are not grieving the right way?

Do you feel overwhelmed?

Do you wonder if you will ever feel joy again?

I will not say that I know how you feel because your grief and your relationships are unique to you. 

Know that grief is a normal and natural reaction to your loss. Loss happens in so many areas of our lives—the death of a loved one, divorce, relationship breakup, job layoff/change in employment status, financial instability, fertility issues, abuse and neglect. 

And more. 

Perhaps you have been told, 'keep busy, don’t feel bad, give it time, and be strong.' They are common platitudes, and don’t validate how you feel.

Those who are grieving can absolutely feel joy, smile, and laugh again while honoring their loved ones and holding their memories close to the heart.

I work with and empower women who have experienced the death of a spouse or life partner by normalizing their grief and inviting growth and learning by using a heart centered, and holistic approach designed specifically for each client.

"I always associated grief with death. I never thought about the many different types of grief that I encountered in my life… and I spent lots of time and money looking for ways to remove the obstacles to success... never considering that underlying, unresolved grief and unfinished communication were the primary obstacles. Holly skillfully and compassionately guided me through the stages of facing the grief—which I needed to do, but did not want to do—and moving forward! Freedom is one phone call away."—KW


Unheard, unsaid, avoided, invalidated, not valued, misunderstood, becomes a festering wound deep within, bubbling up with no place to go—hidden away for fear of showing itself, will appear in other ways. When we feel our grief, and give ourselves permission to express it is when we can truly begin to heal.

Working alongside each other, you will find that I will:





I work with and empower women who have experienced the death of a spouse or life partner by normalizing their grief and inviting growth and learning by using a heart centered, and holistic approach.

  •     THE AND SPACE    
  •     AN EXERCISE    

The AND Space—missing your loved one AND being happy with the life you are living.

Grief is real. Grief is not something you have to “get over,” but something you deserve to feel deeply.

When we ignore our sadness, and push it down, it can bubble up and manifest in other ways—illness, anxiety, stress, sleep issues, loss of or increase in appetite, and more. Many times we fight against the pain, wanting it to be over already. Grief isn’t something we “get over,” but the pain of your loss can be integrated into your life where the love can grow bigger than the pain. This happens when our grief and sorrow is recognized, acknowledged, felt, and nurtured. You deserve that.


Grief is the natural and normal reaction to loss.

And the conflicting feelings caused by the change or end in a familiar pattern of behavior.

Let that sink in for a minute. Read it again! Conflicting feelings—how can our feelings be conflicted? Because we can sit in the AND space, that's how. Grief brings up all kinds of emotions—anger, sadness, relief, uncertainty, fear, and more.

Take a moment, and write a list of some of your own feelings associated with your loss/es.

Just close your eyes, don’t think about it, just write!

“The good news is that for most of us, grief is not overwhelming or unending. That there is anguish and sadness during bereavement cannot be denied. But there is much more. Above all, it is a human experience.”

George A. Bonanno

The Other Side of Sadness

Listen to the podcast and you’ll find support, wisdom, stories, and practical tools for your unique healing journey. We believe that grief and hope coexist and empowers us as we heal and grow.


Let's get to know one another and decide if we are a good fit to travel along your healing journey together.

Start the process to book your free 30-minute call by filling in the form. I'll contact you to set up a convenient date and time.

I'm looking forward to meeting you!